Causes of Sexual Impairments - The most common causes of sexual problems

Changing the world, but this time with sex!

- By Bahram Maskanian

Based on my own powers of observations, scientific research, my own sexual experiences and life, plus twenty years of experience in helping, healing and teaching others, I found that the main cause of many sexual and emotional problems clearly stems from: unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, too much stress, all kinds of alcohol abuse, coffee, carbonated drinks, tobacco, sugar, artificial sweeteners, pharmaceutical drugs and processed foods, which will cause tiredness, boredom, illness, lack of hygiene, inability to communicate, deep-rooted emotional issues and resentment.  

The other huge problem is religion, all patriarchal religions.  From Judaism and its 2 derivatives: Christianity and Islam, to Buddhism, Hinduism, Mithraism, Zarathustrians and all others in between, are all barbaric manmade myths, manufactured to enslave woman.   You see, out of the known 12,000 years of so called human civilization, the first flourishing and thriving 8,000 years were ruled under matriarchal social governing system, up to 4,000 years ago.  The first coup-d'état and the very first attempt to overthrow the highly loved and successful matriarchal social governing system, were orchestrated by a Persian man, a psychopath, known as Mithra, who made up Mithraism.  And as they say the rest is history.

Under the matriarchal social governing system no one had any control, or monopoly on anybody else’s life, sex, relationship, etc.  In fact sex was a communal and group type of recreational activity.   Children resulting from group sex were loved, cared for and raised by the whole community, the phrase: “it takes a village to raise a child” comes from the very same time period and idea.  

The religious manual’s prescribed inequality between woman and man, deliberately denigrating women to unequal subservient status, where whose sole purpose in life will always be to serve narcissistic men, involved in a relationship based on manmade lies created by the patriarchal psychopaths, a clear recipe for disaster. The religious manual’s prescribed inequality between woman and man, deliberately denigrating women to unequal subservient status, where whose sole purpose in life will always be to serve narcissistic men, involved in a relationship based on manmade lies created by the patriarchal psychopaths, a clear recipe for disaster.

To all women whom are waiting for someone to give them back their human rights, gender equality and dignity; please note, that human rights, gender equality and dignity cannot be given to you by anyone, nor be taken away from you, human rights, gender equality and dignity are not what anyone can give you. Human rights, gender equality and dignity are your inalienable rights that no one can take away from you.

The Top 10 Sex Distractions and Problems:

1 - Men Sense of Entitlement: is a huge problem, stemming from the idiotic and barbaric religious manuals, even the most supposedly modern thinking men are taking advantage of the mythical nonsense in their own favor, expecting their wives to do grocery shopping, cook, clean, take care of the kids, while having a day time job working just as hard, or even harder as their husband, to make money and be a good obedient whore in the bedroom, to satisfy her man, her master.  A true impossibility, one would need a 34-hour day to do all of that, at the end of which, one would be exhausted, unable to do anything else, but sleep.

To all men, I say if you have any sense of decency, humanity and any brains at all, learn to treat all women with dignity, as your absolute equal, truly respect, care and love them, as you wish to be done unto you.

2 - Relationship Misconceptions: choosing the wrong type of relationship is another one of major causes of sexual and relationship problems.  Religion prescribed inequality between woman and man, plus denigrating women to unequal subservient humans, whose sole purpose in life is to serve men, based on manmade lies.  There are all kinds of labels one can use, such as: monogamous, promiscuous, polyamorous, or open relationship and wife swapping swing type of relationship.  What you do not want to do is choosing a type out of social pressure and or conformity without having gone through the necessary sexual training, education and journey of self-discovery, will undoubtedly be doomed to fail.

3 - Stuck in a Bad Relationship Rut: as a relationship matures, if not properly maintained, the long-term gradual built up of resentment could drive people apart and cause sexual relations become stale and the relationship end.

4 - Lack of Sex Within a Relationship: most couples go through phases when one, or both partners may stop having sex. The desire to have sex erodes due to all mentioned in the first two paragraphs at the beginning of this article.

5 - Achieving Orgasm: research suggests that up to 45 percent of women have never climaxed, nor experienced an orgasm, while a further 35 percent will have problems reaching orgasm at some stage in their lives.  Estimated 65 percent of women cannot ever climax and enjoy having an orgasm through sexual intercourse alone.

6 - Premature Ejaculation: this sexual problem is estimated to affect over 35 to 45 percent of men.   Scientific research suggests that all sexual problems are due to all mentioned in the first two paragraphs at the beginning of this article.

7 - Inability to Achieve Erection: affects approximately 45 per cent of men by the age of 40, and up to 75 percent of men by the age of 70.  As mentioned at the above, in the first two paragraphs at the beginning of this article, it is caused by too much stress, alcohol and unhealthy diet.

8 - Sexual Drive and Desire: on average, an adult male body produces about 7 to 8 times more of the sex hormone; testosterone than an adult female body, thereby males have higher sex drive than females.  For healthy men, who have a stress free and healthy diet and life, the testosterone levels tend to stay the same throughout their lives. -- Female testosterone levels could also be dramatically affected, due to all mentioned in the first two paragraphs at the beginning of this article, causing irregular menstruation cycles leading to loss of testosterone.

9 - Painful Intercourse and Sexual Penetration: commonly caused by a lack of sexual seduction and arousal. Childbirth, the menopause, infections and irritations, a tilted uterus or other gynecological disorders can also cause painful sexual penetration.

10 - Sexually Related Addiction and Sexual Affairs: any sexual activity that in time has gone ‘out of control’, such as: visiting strip joints and watching pornography.  Too much of anything, especially highly impersonal pornography shall desensitize the abuser, causing unrealistic expectations, leading to finding real physical sexual relationship with their partner inadequate, causing their partner feelings of hurt and rejection.

Increased online sexual affairs, with prostitutes, or masseuse who offer happy endings, and or opportunities for meeting others who feel rejected by their lover, to flirt, cheat and have sex, with sexually unhappy strangers at social networking sites and chat forums are big and obvious danger to any and all relationships.

Male primary compass is his own inner guidance.   As men learn to wipe clean their misogynist patriarchal barbarism and all other negative distortions, the male brain begins to amplify true male righteous inner guidance signals, thus beginning to hear and feel the energy that naturally knows and offers wisdom, reason, common sense and compassion.